Monday, September 21, 2009


For the full story about how this deadly pesticide is being aerial dropped on native New Zealand wildlands and wildlife check the Graf Boys website here

Post your Comments

Hi Everyone,
Some of you may have been having trouble leaving comments on the site. The settings have now been updated to allow all users to comment without having to register. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Coming Next Time

We have some exciting new updates in the works for this space. The following list is what we are currently working on and hope to have available to our readers within the next 7 days...
- Government Policy
- Industrial Fashion Retailers
- Scholarly Texts from Thinkers
- Key Literature
- Guest Bloggers
- Activists

New Content - Key Links

We have now added the first of some important links for all of those interested in Sustainable Fashion Textiles Research. They are available from the left hand side bar. Why not tell us what you think?

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Why a Sustainable Fashion Textiles Research Blog?

There are a plethora of Sustainable Fashion Textiles Sites, Companies, Experts and Theories. Through this site we hope to share leading research in this field from established and emerging contributors in the commercial, academic and public sectors. We will provide links to some key sites and resources and look forward to a stimulating exchange.


Welcome to the Sustainable Fashion Textiles Research Blog. This blog is under construction. If you are a thinker or maker or activist please leave a comment or contact us at if you are interested in being a part of this movement.