Sunday, March 13, 2011

Fabricating the Body: Textiles and Human Health in Historical Perspective

The 2011 Pasold Conference will be held on the 6-7 April 2011 at the University of Exeter on the theme of 'Fabricating the Body: Textiles and Human Health in Historical Perspective'. The conference will be supported jointly by the Pasold Research Fund and the Wellcome Trust.

Here is  a link to the conference website for those interested in textiles research and who might be in a position to attend

Our paper will be presented on the second day of the conference and is entitled "Sustainable Fashion Textiles Design: Value Adding through Technological Enhancement"

Fashion and Luxury: Between Heritage and Innovation

The 13th Annual Conference of the International Federation of Fashion Technology Institutes will be conducted from April 11th to 14th at the Institut Français de la Mode [IFM] in Paris, France. This is an important conference as it is one of the first to focus on Fashion in terms of Education, Business and Industry.

In the past presentations have been made by scholars from leading international fashion schools from around the globe. If you are in Paris (or can make it to Paris) we might see you there....

For more information and details here is a link to the conference website Fashion and Luxury: Between Heritage and Innovation

Sustainable vs. Unsustainable

Here is a link to a paper co-authored by Dr Joan Farrer and Kim Fraser which discusses some key themes of sustainable fashion in respect of the unstainability of current levels of production and consumption of fashion textiles products. This paper will be published in the new Anti-po-des Design Journal, 1(1) 1-18.

Update: 22nd November, 2011. Here is the link to the official version of the final paper

ReFashioning New Zealand: A Practitioner’s Reflection on Fast Fashion Implications

Here is a link to a paper presented by Kim Fraser at the seventh International Conference on Environment, Economic and Social Sustainability held at University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand from 5th to 7th January, 2011. The paper entitled "ReFashioning New Zealand: A Practitioner's Reflection on Fast Fashion Implications" is soon to be published. We will upload a link to the full paper when it is released.

ReFashioning Sustainability - Kim Fraser

Here is a link to our NZ colleague's recent thesis which investigates the topic of Sustainable Fashion and Textiles. Kim Fraser completed her Masters of Art and Design at Auckland University of Technology in 2009 where she is a Senior Lecturer in Fashion Design. Her work is also featured in Shaping Sustainable Fashion: Changing the Way We Make and Use Clothes Edited By Alison Gwilt and Timo Rissanen.

Here is a link to her thesis
"ReDress - ReFashion as a solution to clothing (un) sustainability"